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Pharmacy Influenza QIV Vaccination Patient Consent Form

Fill in your details

Make an appointment

We will confirm your appointment

    Section 1: Personal Details

    Section 2: Medical History

    Is the patient 6 months of age or older?

    If under 9 years old, have they had the vaccine before?

    Are you 65 years or older?

    Are you pregnant?

    Have you had breast surgery?

    Do you feel unwell in any way?

    Are you allergic to eggs or chicken?

    Have you ever had an allergic reaction to any previous vaccination?

    Are you allergic to any of the vaccine residues or excipients?

    Have you ever suffered an anaphylaxis attack?

    Please list any current medical conditions, medications or allergies:

    Section 3: Vaccination Details

    Please select your local pharmacy

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